Air Powered Hoists
Air hoists are great for high speed applications where frequent starts and stops are a factor. It has unbeatable load-spotting control and is able to be used in highly repetitive applications. If air is readily available for use, these hoists are easily moveable within the plant. It has a high capacity of 100 tons and can continuously work with the maximum load without overheating. The air powered hoist provides an explosion proof work environment and has low headroom. As long as it is kept clean and sterile, it is perfect for use with food grade applications including pharmaceutical and food/beverage processing.
An inherent feature of an air chain hoist or trolley is that they can be used in explosion proof atmospheres if properly applied and can be equipped with spark resistant features such as:
Clean chain hoist systems are available for a variety of applications including; wash down, pharmaceutical, food/beverage processing, and clean assembly applications.
Low headroom air hoists are designed to optimize lifting heights when standard equipment does not meet the application needs.