Open road with a cell phone that reads, "Just drive. Committing to a distraction-free journey."

Just Drive: Committing to a Distraction-Free Journey


At CraneWerks, safety isn’t just a priority; it’s a core value that guides every aspect of our operations. As April marks Distracted Driving Awareness month, we’re taking a proactive stance to remind ourselves and our community about the critical importance of staying focused behind the wheel.

Ready to take your safety to the next level?

CraneWerks is here to provide custom solutions that meet your unique safety needs, even in challenging spaces.

Contact us today for a personalized consultation and quote. Let’s work together to transform your lifting capabilities, prioritize safety, and boost your bottom line. Don’t let space constraints limit your potential – reach out to CraneWerks now!

Distracted Driving

According to the National Safety Council, at least eight lives are lost daily in distracted driving crashes. The distractions are diverse, ranging from handheld and hands-free phone calls and texts to emails, social media, passengers, snacks, and even built-in vehicle touchscreens. The reality is stark: if something demands your hands, eyes, or attention while driving, it’s a distraction.

Distracted driving isn’t merely a personal risk; it endangers every road user, from pedestrians and cyclists to fellow drivers and workers. It’s a collective responsibility to pledge to avoid distractions and ensure everyone’s safe journey.

Recognizing distractions

One of the most prevalent distractions today is cell phone use. Almost everyone has witnessed a driver engrossed in their phone, unaware of their surroundings. However, it’s crucial to recognize when we ourselves are the distracted driver.

Modern vehicle technology, while convenient, has also contributed to increased distractions. The allure of “infotainment” dashboards and hands-free features can mislead us into thinking they’re safe. But the truth is, these technologies can impair our focus long after we’ve used them. Driving and cell phone conversations both demand significant mental bandwidth, and trying to do both simultaneously compromises safety.

Less is more

Let’s dispel the myth that hands-free means distraction-free. The cognitive load of multitasking impairs our ability to react promptly, leading to delayed braking and missed traffic signals.

As we navigate our roads, let’s remember that our sole responsibility behind the wheel is to drive. Together, let’s create a culture of undistracted driving, ensuring that every journey is a safe one.

Join us in spreading this crucial message: Just Drive. Your attention matters, and it can save lives.

Take the pledge with us

“I will make our roads safer for everyone by avoiding all forms of distracted driving. I will speak up when others are distracted to protect myself and all other road users.”

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