Manipulators and Balancers


Manipulators and balancers are the most economical, safe alternative to manual heavy lifting. By using air and spring mechanics, tools and other objects are manipulated at the operator’s pace. They are ideal for high paced, repetitious tasks.

What are manipulators and balancers used for?

Time/money saver when performing repetitive high-cycle tasks

  • Simple, cost-effective alternative to back-breaking manual lifting!
  • Balancers use either spring or air mechanisms to create a zero gravity movement of tools or materials.
  • Spring, electric and air balancers as well as air and electric balancing hoists manipulate suspended objects at the pace of the operator’s movements.
  • Use in conjunction with jibs and work station cranes to efficiently handle all types of tools
    and parts at high speeds.
  • With features such as load float, you can slowly and precisely place parts into position.

Call CraneWerks today at 888-544-2121 for more information on balancers and manipulators.

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